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Многопородный питомник "Beauty of An"

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.03.09 11:00. Заголовок: Американский питомник, посмотрите!!! Что скажете???

В этом питомнике оооооооочень много пород. И по их мнению это карлики. Там: мопсы, ши-тцу, пинчеры, бульдоги, йорки, пудели, таксы, грифоны....................... и другие. Некоторых вообще не узнать.

Лично я от такого в шоке!!! ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ НА ЦЕНЫ ЭТИХ ЩЕНКОВ.



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Многопородный питомник "Beauty of An"

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.03.09 11:02. Заголовок: А вот их деятельнось..

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Our Mission Statement:

To provide World Class Quality Unique Dogs that set the standard of excellence.

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We offer many special breeds of puppies for sale at our showroom in Southern Florida. We specialize in toy breed puppies and teacup breed puppies.

Take a look around our site to view all our available breeds.

PUPPIES / DOGS- Helpful information for our customers.
Dogs as pets - Training your puppies

Puppies learn by watching, but their instincts guide how readily they will learn certain basic requirements. A dog bred to guard the home will be less likely to run off following a scent than a bird dog bred to hunt game. On the other hand, a guarding breed will need direction concerning who is “acceptable” and who is not, whereas a retriever will befriend everyone. Knowledge of what a dog was bred to do is useful when trying to train it to be an acceptable companion.

There are many theories about how to train a dog (puppies) to be a happy and willing companion, but certain principles apply to all methods. The dog / puppies must understand what is expected. It has to be praised for doing well. Punishment for an infraction should be immediate and appropriate to the act. The dog / puppies must be able to associate the punishment with the crime. Consistency and kindness with your new puppies bring the best results in training. Most dogs and puppies will accept domination readily, but there are some, usually males, who will challenge that authority. This is dangerous behavior and must be stopped at an early age. Good training must be sensible, and commands should be enforceable.

Puppies Breed-specific behavior Information

There are distinctive breed-typical personalities that have been developed through generations of selection for certain traits. By roughly grouping dogs according to the work they were bred to do, it is possible to determine the type of temperament a dog / puppies might have at maturity. Differences in breed personalities can be seen at an early age. Sporting dogs will generally be adventurous, following their noses wherever scents lead them, but will respond enthusiastically to calls from familiar humans. Hound puppies generally tend to be more aloof and independent, inclined to scout the territory on their own and follow a scent or a movement; they are not as interested in human interaction as the bird dogs are.

Working and herding dogs/ puppies have more business-like dispositions. They tend to evaluate situations and set about their tasks. Collie puppies have been known to heard children, ducklings, or each other in an instinctive manifestation of their birthright. Guarding dogs/ puppies tend to be protective of their territories, even at an early age. Such dogs as the Maremma or the kuvasz, which are bred to guard flocks, are placed with the sheep from the time they are puppies in order to reinforce their basic protective instincts. Collies and Akitas are known for their strong sense of loyalty. Terriers, bred to chase and catch rodents, have a tendency to be extremely active, lively, and feisty as puppies, traits that continue into adulthood. Newfoundlands are renowned for lifesaving instincts.
Behavioral Development

Canine behavior is a combination of instinct and environment. Dogs / Puppies are born with certain innate characteristics that are evident from birth. Puppies are born blind and deaf, totally dependent on the dam for warmth and nourishment. The dam will instinctively suckle and protect her young, often keeping other dogs / puppies and all but the most trusted people away from the whelping box. Between 10 and 14 days after birth, the eyes and ear canals open, and the puppies begin to move actively around their nest. As they grow, they become more curious and start to investigate their surroundings independently. The dam will begin to leave them alone briefly. During this phase they relate most intensely to their littermates and dam and may become unhappy at being removed from their familiar surroundings. This stage of development lasts about 20 days and is the first of four critical periods.

Beginning at three weeks of age, the most adventurous puppies will seek ways to get out of the whelping box and will start to investigate the larger world. At this age puppies are receptive to human contact, which is essential if they are to bond with people when they become adults. Dogs / puppies left alone from four weeks on will never reach their full potential as pets and will often become independent and more difficult to train than those accustomed to close human contact from an early age. At the same time, during the period between three and seven weeks, it is important that puppies socialize with their littermates and dam. This is when the dam weans her puppies, first by regurgitating some of her own food and then by not allowing her puppies to nurse as often as they would like. At about four weeks of age, puppies can be offered solid food in the form of a soft gruel.

Individual socialization of each puppies in a litter can begin at six weeks of age. This is when puppies begin to be more receptive to handling and attention.

The third critical period in a puppies's development is from 7 to 12 weeks. It has been shown in studies undertaken at various breeding kennels that this is the best age to form human-dog / puppies relationships. Attachments formed during this period will affect the attitude of the puppies toward humans and toward its acceptance of direction and learning. During this period the pack instinct, which has played such an important role in the puppies's early development, can be transferred to humans. At this time environment becomes a vital part of the dog's education and training. This is when a human can most easily establish dominance over the puppies, becoming the “leader of the pack.” At this age a puppies will accept a submissive role more readily than at any other time in its life. Learning comes most readily at this age. Puppies taught basic commands, even if they are not reinforced for several months, will remember them and respond if they are taught during this critical age.

The fourth critical stage in a puppies's development is between 12 and 16 weeks. At this age the puppies will declare its independence from its mother and will become increasingly daring in its forays from the familiar. Puppies training can begin during this period, and it is a time of rapid physical and mental growth. The permanent teeth begin to emerge at this time, which is often a painful and distractive process. Puppies need to chew during this period, and, if they are not provided with appropriate teething toys, they will use any available hard object, such as furniture. Puppies at this age may be less willing to cooperate or respond to new commands.

A puppies's personality continues to develop during its entire maturing process and will undergo radical changes while the puppies matures sexually and physically. Puppies mature sexually earlier than they do emotionally. Their personalities develop more slowly than their bodies, much like humans but unlike wolves, whose personalities and sexuality develop more harmoniously. At about seven or eight months many puppies tend to go through a period of anxiety. They are insecure, frightened of strangers, and will appear timid. If this is not an inherited trait, it will disappear within a few months. If it is inherited, that condition will remain and may become accentuated with time. Breed specificity also affects how well dogs adapt to new surroundings or to new owners. Such things cannot be taught to dogs. They are innate—part of a dog's instinctive behavior—and are often breed-specific, although mixed breeds have been known for unique instincts as well.

The companionship between humans and puppies is not a new phenomenon. However, in modern society most puppies are owned as pets, not because of the work they were bred to do. Many breeds, such as the toy dogs, were developed precisely to be pets. All of the diverse breeds and mixed breeds have unique traits and appeal to different kinds of people.

Acquiring a dog is a major decision, because the dog becomes totally dependent on its owner for its care and welfare. This responsibility continues throughout the life of the dog. Thus, the initial decision should be based on a serious consideration of whether one's lifestyle truly lends itself to owning a puppies—that is, whether a dog would be an asset rather than a liability.

The next consideration is the selection of a particular type of dog/puppies. Many people want a purebred dog because they like the appearance or the personality, and they are assured that the puppies they buy will grow up to look like the breed it represents. Others find that a mixed breed will do just as well, and there are many shelters, humane societies, and rescue groups that harbor dogs in need of homes.

No matter what kind of dog a person chooses, it is essential that it be a healthy animal. When evaluating a puppies or an adult dog, several features will help determine the physical condition of the animal. The dog should appear friendly and outgoing. Puppies in particular should exhibit curiosity and a tail-wagging enthusiasm. They should not hang back or appear timid or frightened. Eyes should be bright and shiny with no discharge, and the inner eyelids ought to be smooth and pink. Ears should be clean smelling and free of debris. Gums must be pink and firm, except in the case of chow chows and Shar-Pei, whose gums and tongue are black. The skin should feel warm and dry to the touch. Clammy skin or the presence of reddened patches, crusts, scales, or parasites are indicative of problems that could be both external and internal. The hair coat ought to clean and sweet smell. The dog should be in good form and build, but not obese or so thin that the ribs and hipbones show.

People buying purebred dogs / puppies should know the distinctive characteristics of the breed they have chosen, so that they can ask the breeder proper questions and have some means of evaluating the quality of the dog/ puppies they are purchasing. Many purebred dogs have hidden genetic problems of which good breeders are aware. Careful breeding can control many of these problems, but the purchaser must know—through reading about the breed and talking to fanciers.
Dogs as pets - Nutrition and growth
Puppies need three basic things in order to thrive: good nutrition, warmth, and companionship. Puppies need to eat three or four times a day from the time they are weaned until they are about six months old. Thereafter they can be fed twice a day until maturity and once daily after that. However, many dog owners, especially those with large breeds, feed the puppies twice a day throughout the dog's life (this does not mean feeding more than the required daily amount, but it is a more balanced method of feeding).

Puppies need twice an adult dog's maintenance requirements of energy and nutrients for proper growth from the time they are weaned until they reach about half of their expected mature weight. There should be steady growth on a weekly basis, but there should be no excess fat around the abdomen. Puppies grow best if they remain at a suitable weight without becoming obese. Overweight puppies are candidates for crippling bone diseases if they are too heavy during the critical growing months. On the other hand, feeding too little will result in poor growth and lack of energy.

Adult dogs burn fewer calories than do puppies or young and active adults. Therefore, they need to eat less in order to maintain optimum weight and activity.

Dogs/ puppies that work require extra nutrients. For instance, sled puppies need to be fed a diet that is much higher in calories, one with a ratio of fat, protein, and carbohydrates very different from the diet of more sedentary puppies. Owners may have to experiment with different types of food to determine which are best suited to their dogs / puppies.

There are three basic types of commercially produced dog/ puppies foods: canned, dry, and semi moist. Predominant ingredients of most of these include corn, wheat, barley, rice, or soy meal, in combination or alone. Commercial puppies / dog foods also include a meat such as beef, lamb, chicken, or liver, or meat by-products. It is important to read the labels to determine the proportions of each and the amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins and minerals contained.

Sleep is almost as important as nutrition for puppies. A warm, quiet place for them to rest is essential for normal growth. Puppies will usually play vigorously and then suddenly fall asleep. Their need for sleep decreases as they grow into adulthood, but dogs spend a great deal of their time sleeping when they are not stimulated to activity.

All dogs and puppies need exercise, some more than others. Achieving good health and sound temperament demands that dogs / puppies be given the opportunity for regular stimulating exercise. Puppies should be allowed to run at will without restraint and without being pushed beyond their limits. As dogs mature, jogging or walking on a lead can be introduced, but any forced exercise should be withheld until the dog is fully-grown. The most common cause of a dog's destructive behavior in the house is lack of exercise. Behavioral problems such as tail chasing, chewing, and excessive barking and whining can in most cases be traced to confinement for long periods of time without respite. The ability to provide adequate exercise is one of the most important considerations that prospective dog owners must face before acquiring a puppies. Exercise, however, does not mean allowing the dog/ puppies to run at large. Dogs/ puppies ought to be supervised at all times when outside: they either should be accompanied by owners using a lead or have a securely fenced area in which to play.

The term companion animal means that dogs / puppies need company. They are happiest when allowed to be an integral part of the household. Puppies thrive and learn when they are included in the household routine at an early age. Training becomes easier when the unique bond between human and dog is strengthened from the beginning.
Dogs as pets - Other maintenance concerns with your puppies

Dogs/ puppies need regular care from the time they are born. In addition to a balanced diet, grooming is an important part of maintaining good health. Care of the ears, coat, and nails on a weekly basis gives owners an opportunity to examine their pets and to spot any potential illness. Ears should be cleaned regularly and nails kept trimmed. Brushing should be part of a dog's weekly or even daily routine. Dogs with long or thick coats will need more frequent brushing than shorthaired varieties in order to loosen dead hair and prevent skin irritations or infection.

Regular veterinary care is important to a dog's health. Puppies usually are vaccinated against the most virulent diseases, starting at six weeks of age. A series of three or four vaccinations against distemper, hepatitis, Para influenza, leptospirosis, and provirus are given three weeks apart. At three months of age puppies can be inoculated against rabies. Booster vaccinations are given annually thereafter, except for rabies shots, which may be administered every two or three years, depending on the region. Routine vaccination procedures have succeeded in reducing, and in some areas eliminating, diseases that formerly killed half of all puppies born. In many areas veterinarians recommend that dogs be tested annually for heartworm disease and be given a preventative. This should be administered throughout the dog's life as long as it resides in a region where and when this parasite is prevalent.
Dogs as pets - Ailments for your puppies

Fleas and ticks are sources of irritation and disease in every climate of the world (with the possible exception of the Arctic). Regular bathing and grooming helps to keep these and other external parasites under control. Treatment of the puppies and its environment are essential to eliminate these pests. In some areas this is a yearlong process, whereas in other climates it is a seasonal problem.

Internal parasites are a common cause of sickness, especially in puppies. There are many kinds of worms that invade the intestinal tract, resulting in listlessness, loss of blood and subsequent anemia, poor hair coat, and occasionally death. Many of these parasites are found in dirt and are ingested or get into the bloodstream through the skin of the dog. Effective veterinary remedies are available for the animal, but it is important to determine through fecal examination or blood tests exactly what type of parasite is present. Puppies should be examined about every three months, and adults need to be examined annually.

Dogs/ puppies are susceptible to many of the same illnesses that afflict humans. Cancer, respiratory ailments, allergies, arthritis, and certain forms of heart disease are all found in dogs. Some illnesses have a breed predilection, whereas others occur in all pure and mixed breeds. Large- and giant-breed dogs, such as Irish setters, St. Bernards, bloodhounds, and Great Danes, are prone to a condition known as gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV). This disease causes the stomach to twist in the abdominal cavity, cutting off the blood supply and filling the stomach with gas. GDV is always a medical emergency and must be treated as soon as the first symptoms appear. Early warnings may be restlessness, unsuccessful attempts to vomit or defecate, swelling of the abdomen, or distention of the rib cage.

Large breeds also are at risk for an orthopedic problem in which the hip joint does not develop properly. This is called hip dysplasia and is considered to be a polygenetic condition. It is a progressive disease in which the malformation of the hipbones causes arthritic changes, lameness, and pain. Some breeds are also at risk of developing elbow dysplasia and other problems of the bones and joints. Dogs / puppies built with long, low bodies, such as dachshunds, often develop spinal injuries or malformations of the spinal column.

Dogs/ puppies do not suffer from high cholesterol or from the life-threatening circulatory illnesses that afflict humans, but certain breeds are predisposed to malformations of the heart muscle and valves. Some of these are surgically correctable, while others are not. In addition, heartworm and other parasites may affect the heart and circulatory system.

Dogs/ puppies are as much at risk of contracting cancers as people are. The treatment is often the same. Cancers most often seen in dogs involve osteosarcomas, mammary tumors, and lymphomas. Veterinary research is at the forefront of the development of new treatments for cancers in the hope that new methods for combating them in humans will be found in the process.

Eye diseases many of which are hereditary also are found in dogs/ puppies. Dogs are subject to cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal diseases, all of which can cause blindness. Treatments in dogs are not as successful as in humans, but dogs appear to adjust to vision loss very well as long as they are kept in familiar surroundings. Their keen sense of smell helps them to get around, although they must be protected from sudden falls and unforeseen dangers. Many canine ocular problems of a hereditary origin are difficult to eradicate because they do not appear in some breeds until the dogs/ puppies are five or six years old. Nonetheless, genetic research to identify dogs that are carriers or that will develop eye problems has made significant strides since it began in the 1970s.

Breeds with large, protruding eyes, such as the Pekingese or the pug, are susceptible to eye irritations and corneal lacerations. These must be attended to promptly to avoid serious damage to the eye.

Dogs/ puppies with dropped ears—the basset hound is an extreme example —are prone to diseases of the ear canal. Moisture becomes trapped in the ear, producing yeast infections. Such parasites as ear mites thrive in the ear canal, causing a dark, malodorous exudates. Frequently, the dog is uncomfortable and scratches the ears or rubs the ears along the ground or on the furniture. Most ear problems can be cured with proper medication. If problems are left unattended, the ear canal will develop ulcerations that are painful and difficult to treat.

In the 1800s those interested in the sport of dogs/ puppies developed a system for classifying breeds according to their functions. The British classification, established in 1873 and revised periodically by the Kennel Club of England, set the standard that other countries have followed, with some modifications. British, Canadian, and American classifications are basically the same, although some of the terminology is different. For example, Sporting dogs in the United States are Gundogs in England. Utility dogs/ puppies in England are Non-Sporting dogs in the United States and Canada. Not all countries recognize every breed.

The United States recognizes seven classifications, called groups (encompassing more than 130 breeds), whereas the English and Canadians have six groups (the American system divides the Working group into two groups: Working dogs and Herding dogs).
The breeds - Hound puppies

These also are hunting dogs/ puppies but much more various than the Sporting dogs. There are scent hounds and sight hounds. They are a diverse group, ranging from the low-slung dachshund to the fleet-footed greyhound. However, they all are dedicated to the tasks for which they were bred, whether coursing over rough terrain in search of gazelles, such as the Afghan hound or the Saluki, or going to ground after badgers, like the dachshund. Hounds such as beagles, basset hounds, harriers, foxhounds, and coonhounds run in packs, while others, such as Afghan hounds, borzois, pharaoh hounds, and Salukis, course alone. The Hound group also includes the Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen, the otterhound, the Rhodesian ridgeback, which was bred to hunt lions in Africa, and the bloodhound, best known for its remarkable ability to track. The Irish wolfhound, Scottish deerhound, basenji, whippet, and Norwegian elkhound are also in this group. In Canada, drivers belong to the Hound group as well, and in England the Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen is included.
The breeds - Terriers- puppies

The Terrier group consists of both big and small dogs, but members of this group more than any other share a common ancestry and similar behavioral traits. Terriers were bred to rid barns and stables of vermin, to dig out unwanted burrowing rodents, and to make themselves generally useful around the stable. Terriers were used in the “poor man's recreation” of rat killing, especially in England where most of these breeds originated. Upper classes used terriers in foxhunting. They also were bred to fight each other in pits—hence the name pit bulls. During the late 1900s, dog fighting was outlawed in most states and countries of the Western world, and these dogs were thereafter bred for a friendly temperament rather than for aggressiveness.

Terriers, because they had to fit in burrows and dig underground, were bred to stay relatively small, although large breeds are not uncommon. Their coats are usually rough and wiry for protection and require minimum maintenance. Unlike hounds or sporting dogs, which only found or chased their quarry, terriers were often required to make the actual kill as well, giving them a more pugnacious temperament than their size might suggest. They are usually lean with long heads, square jaws, and deep-set eyes. However, as with most breeds, form follows function: terriers that work underground have shorter legs, while terriers bred to work aboveground have squarer proportions. All terriers are active and vocal, naturally inclined to chase and confront.

The small terriers, which were often carried on horseback during foxhunts, were bred to be put to the ground. These dogs/ puppies have very specific origins. In general, their names reflect the locale where the breed first took shape under the guidance of a small group of dedicated breeders. They are the Australian, Belington, border, cairn, Dandie Dinmont, Lakeland, Manchester, miniature schnauzer (of German origin), Norwich, Norfolk, Scottish, Sealyham, Skye, Welsh, and West Highland white. The larger terriers include the Airedale, Irish, Kerry blue, and soft-coated wheaten. In Canada, Lhasa apsos are part of this group. Britain claims the Parson Jack Russell and the Glen of Imaal terriers, both of which are found in the United States but are not register able with the AKC.
The breeds - Non-Sporting dogs / puppies

The Non-Sporting group is a catchall category for those breeds that do not strictly fit into any other group. (Arguments could be made for assigning some of these breeds to other groups. The Dalmatian, for instance, could be a Working dog, as it is in England.) This group includes the appealing BICHON frise, the bulldog, the poodles (standard and miniature), and the Chinese Shar-Pei. All have unique histories, many quite ancient. Other Asian representatives are the Tibetan spaniel and the Tibetan terrier—neither of which are true spaniels or terriers—the chow chow, and the Lhasa apso. Non-Sporting is also the category for the Finnish spitz, the Keeshond, the French bulldog, and the schipperke. All the Non-Sporting breeds are of small to medium build with sturdy and balanced frames, often squarelike. The chow chow, French bulldog, and the Dalmatian are among the more muscular breeds in this group. In general, Non-Sporting dogs are alert and lively.

There is no comparable classification in Britain, although all these breeds, except for the Boston Terrier, are found in other groups. The Boston terrier (not a true terrier although it once contained terrier blood) is one of the few Native American dogs. (The others are the Alaskan Malamute, the beagle, the American foxhound, the Chesapeake Bay retriever, and the American cocker spaniel, all found in other groups.)
The breeds - Working dogs/ puppies

This group of dogs was bred to serve humans in very practical and specific ways. They are the dogs most often associated with guarding, leading, guiding, protecting, pulling, or saving lives. Working dogs range in size from medium to large, but all are robust with sturdy and muscular builds. Working dogs are characterized by strength and alertness, intelligence and loyalty.

Among the breeds most often associated with guarding home, person, or property are the Akita, boxer, bullmastiff, Doberman pinscher, giant schnauzer, Great Dane, mastiff, Rottweiler, and standard schnauzer. Dogs bred to guard livestock are the Great Pyrenees, komondor, and kuvasz. In England, Pyrenean mountain dogs are recognized in this group, as are all the herding dogs, and, in Canada, Eskimo dogs are included. Also in the Working group are those dogs bred to pull, haul, and rescue. These include the Alaskan Malamute and Siberian husky, the Samoyed, the Bernese mountain dog, the Portuguese water dog, the Newfoundland, and the St. Bernard. Poodles of the three varieties (standard, miniature, and toy) are part of this group in England, as are several other breeds found in the Non-Sporting group in the United States.
The breeds - Herding dogs / puppies The Herding breeds are livestock-oriented, although they are versatile in protecting and serving humans in other ways. Herding breeds are intelligent and lively, making fine family pets or obedience competitors. Dogs were first used to assist sheepherders in the 1570s, but other varieties were bred for different herding tasks. Herding breeds are quick and agile, able to work on any terrain, and well suited for short bursts of high speed. These dogs, even the compact breeds, are strong and muscular, possessing proud carriage of head and neck. Herding dogs perceive even the slightest hand signals and whistle commands to move a flock or seek out strays.
Some Herding breeds drive the flock by barking, circling, and nipping at the heels, while others simply confront the flock with a silent stare, which also proves effective.

Herding dogs/ puppies serve other functions. These breeds are excellent guards, used in the military and law enforcement, or for personal protection. Herding dogs are among those with the closest relationship to humans.
The breeds - Breed standards / puppies standards

Purebred dogs (puppies) are distinguished from mixed-breed animals because their genetic structure allows them to reproduce themselves generation after generation. Every breed that is registered with a national registry, such as the American Kennel Club or the Kennel Club of England, must have a “standard” for that breed. The standard is the blueprint by which a breed is evaluated. It describes the characteristics that make a particular breed unique. Standards were developed by fanciers who wanted to perpetuate a particular line or strain and who formed associations to foster certain breeds. It is the goal of most purebred-dog fanciers to breed dogs that best represent the ideal qualities for the breed as described by the standard. Standards outline requirements for physical traits and behavioral or “personality” traits.
The breeds -

The Toy group is composed of those canines that were bred specifically to be companion animals. They were developed to be small, portable, and good-natured, the sort of dog that ladies of the court could carry with them. These dogs were largely pampered and treasured by aristocracy around the world. Several of these breeds come from ancient lineage. The Pekingese and the Japanese Chin were owned by royalty. No one else was permitted to own one of these breeds. They were carefully bred and nurtured, and until the mid-20th century they were not allowed to be exported out of their countries of origin. In England the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a bred-down version of a sporting spaniel, was the favorite pet of many royal families. Cavaliers, while popular in the United States, are not registered with the AKC, but their close cousins, the English toy spaniels, are. Toy poodles also belong to this group. The miniature pinscher resembles the Doberman pinscher but in fact is of quite different legacy. This perky little dog / puppies has a particularly distinctive gait, found in no other breed. Its standard calls for a hackney gait, such as that found in carriage horses. Other members of the Toy group are equally individual in their looks and personalities, making this the most diverse group. They make ideal apartment or small-house pets and are found ranging from hairless (the Chinese crested) to the profusely coated Pekingese or Shih tzu. In general, however, Toy breeds are alert and vigorous dogs. They are fine-boned and well balanced, often considered graceful animals.

Guide Dog Information -

Seeing Eye dog/ puppies (for The Seeing Eye, Inc., of Morristown, New Jersey) or service dog dog that is professionally trained to guide, protect, or aid its master. Systematic training of guide dogs originated in Germany during World War I to aid blinded veterans.

At the age of approximately one year, the guide dog is trained for three to four months to mold its behavior to its owner's handicap. The dog learns to adjust to a harness, stop at curbs, gauge its owner's height when traveling in low or obstructed places, and disobey a command when obedience will endanger its master. Dogs/ puppies have also been trained to perform various services for persons with hearing impairments and restricted mobility. Some dogs are trained to assist persons with seizure disorders and to summon help. Although several breeds have been educated for these roles, including Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherds, Labrador retrievers and Labrador-golden retriever crosses are the most widely used?

Information on Dog Shows

Competition in which purebred dogs are judged on the basis of their physical perfection, as determined by breed standards. Dog shows in the United States are held according to rules set up by the American Kennel Club; shows in Great Britain follow the rules of the Kennel Club of England.

The first English dog show was held in Newcastle in 1859, and a more ambitious one followed at Chelsea in 1863. The best known of English dog shows is Cruft's, which has been held annually in London since 1886.

The first formal dog show in the United States was held in 1877 and was sponsored by the Westminster Kennel Club. The annual shows sponsored by this kennel club, in New York City, and by the International Kennel Club, in Chicago, are two of the most important dog shows in the United States.

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Yorkshire Terrier - Yorkie Adopt

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Сообщение: 2282
Зарегистрирован: 30.03.08
Откуда: россия, Волгоград
Репутация: 3
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.03.09 11:52. Заголовок: Сайт тяжелый грузит..

Сайт тяжелый грузиться плохо. Посмотрела фотки ши тцу Своеобразный подход к породе

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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 204
Зарегистрирован: 17.02.09
Откуда: Россия, Волгоград
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.12.09 15:44. Заголовок: Наше Утверждение Мис..

Человеку свойственно ошибаться, собаке свойственно прощать. Спасибо: 0 
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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 205
Зарегистрирован: 17.02.09
Откуда: Россия, Волгоград
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.12.09 15:48. Заголовок: У работы и спасения ..

У работы и спасения собак / щенки есть больше деловых расположений. Они имеют тенденцию оценивать ситуации и приступать к их задачам. Щенки колли были известны услышанным детям, утятам, или друг другу в инстинктивном проявлении их неотъемлемого права. Охрана собак / щенки имеет тенденцию быть защитной их территорий, даже в раннем возрасте. Такие собаки как кувас, которые порождены, чтобы охранять скопления, размещены с овцами со времени, они - щенки, чтобы укрепить их основные защитные инстинкты. Колли и Акита известны их сильным чувством лояльности. У терьеров, разведенных, чтобы преследовать и поймать грызунов, есть тенденция быть чрезвычайно активными, живыми, и злющими как щенки, черты, которые продолжаются во взрослую жизнь. Ньюфаундленды известны спасательными инстинктами.
Поведенческое Развитие

Человеку свойственно ошибаться, собаке свойственно прощать. Спасибо: 0 
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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 206
Зарегистрирован: 17.02.09
Откуда: Россия, Волгоград
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.12.09 15:52. Заголовок: Собачье поведение - ..

Собачье поведение - комбинация инстинкта и окружающей среды. Собаки / Щенки рождаются с определенными врожденными особенностями, которые очевидны от рождения. Щенки рождаются слепые и глухие, полностью зависящие от дамбы для теплоты и питания. Дамба будет инстинктивно кормить грудью и защищать ее молодёжь, часто держа других собак / щенки и все кроме пользующихся наибольшим доверием людей далеко от производящей детенышей на свет коробки. Между 10 и 14 днями после рождения глаза и открытые каналы уха, и щенки начинают перемещаться активно вокруг их гнезда. Как они растут, они становятся более любопытными и начинают исследовать их среду независимо. Дамба начнет оставлять их в покое кратко. Во время этой фазы они имеют отношение наиболее сильно с их мусорщиками и дамбой и могут стать недовольными, будучи удаленным от их знакомой среды. Эта стадия развития длится приблизительно 20 дней и является первой из четырех критических периодов.

Человеку свойственно ошибаться, собаке свойственно прощать. Спасибо: 0 
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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 207
Зарегистрирован: 17.02.09
Откуда: Россия, Волгоград
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.12.09 15:54. Заголовок: Третий критический п..

Третий критический период в развитии щенков с 7 до 12 недель. Это показали в исследованиях, предпринятых в различных конурах размножения, что это - лучший возраст, чтобы сформировать человеческую собаку / отношения щенков. Приложения, сформированные во время этого периода, затронут отношение щенков к людям и к его принятию руководства и изучению. Во время этого периода инстинкт пакета, который играл такую важную роль в раннем развитии щенков, может быть передан людям. В это время окружающая среда становится жизненно важной частью образования собаки и обучения. Это - то, когда человек может наиболее легко установить господство над щенками, становясь “лидером пакета.” В этом возрасте щенки примут покорную роль с большей готовностью чем в любое другое время в его жизни. Изучение прибывает наиболее с готовностью в этом возрасте. Щенки преподавали основные команды, даже если они не укреплены в течение нескольких месяцев, будут помнить их и отвечать, если им преподают во время этого критического возраста.

Человеку свойственно ошибаться, собаке свойственно прощать. Спасибо: 0 
ПрофильЦитата Ответить
постоянный участник

Сообщение: 208
Зарегистрирован: 17.02.09
Откуда: Россия, Волгоград
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.12.09 15:59. Заголовок: 3 ..


Человеку свойственно ошибаться, собаке свойственно прощать. Спасибо: 0 
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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 209
Зарегистрирован: 17.02.09
Откуда: Россия, Волгоград
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.12.09 16:01. Заголовок: 1..


Человеку свойственно ошибаться, собаке свойственно прощать. Спасибо: 0 
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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 211
Зарегистрирован: 17.02.09
Откуда: Россия, Волгоград
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.12.09 16:03. Заголовок: Наше Утверждение Мис..


Человеку свойственно ошибаться, собаке свойственно прощать. Спасибо: 0 
ПрофильЦитата Ответить
постоянный участник

Сообщение: 44
Зарегистрирован: 31.08.09
Репутация: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.12.09 18:13. Заголовок: круассанчик судя по ..

круассанчик судя по названиям сайтов это не питомники, а так называемые "паппимиллы" - фабрики щенков.
Их и в России немало, чего уж удивляться.

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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 212
Зарегистрирован: 17.02.09
Откуда: Россия, Волгоград
Репутация: 2
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 27.12.09 21:33. Заголовок: Блин, перевод попыта..

Блин, перевод попытаюсь сделать в ближайшее время.Ермолаева-младшая

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Рейтинг зоосайтов DOG.ua - Кинологический Портал Украины - Объявления о продаже щенков, Фотогалереи собак, Магазин для собак, Новости в мире собак, Форумы о собаках. Собачий рейтинг на Security-dog.org Каталог сайтов о животных Информационный портал Весь ZOO-Петербург - все для домашних животных Лучшие сайты о животных